My loving Mom had decided that we needed to have a family sleepover, my aunts (Julie and Terri) and cousin (Grace) came over for a night that was supposed to be filled with movies, food, dancing games, and lots of fun. Oh boy, did it turn out differently.
After Mom consumed quite a bit of alcohol and I consumed an absurd amount of food, Aunt Julie suggested we all take a walk to get some air (Vickie's only reason for venturing out of the house was in the hopes of finding the infamous 'hot dog stand man'). This was around midnight. After making it halfway around the block (and having had no sightings of the 'hot dog man,') Grace and Aunt Terri pulled ahead as Aunt Julie and my mom decided to link their arms through mine on either side.
As we were strolling (or in Mom's case, stumbling) down the sidewalk, we approached a parked car and Mom found it necessary to step up into the yard of the house nearest us. Unfortunately, the yard had a large flower bed made of railroad timbers, and at the end, Mom somehow tripped and twisted her ankle, collapsing to the ground in a combination of tears and laughter.
I immediately wet my pants and fell to the ground as well. Aunt Julie tried to calm Mom down and we attempted to bring her to her feet in order to support her weight on the way back to the house. After it became apparent she could not walk back to the house, Aunt Julie decided to go get the car. Still standing upright, Mom and I watched her jog (HAHAH) off into the distance, and soon realized we were stuck and could not move. We somehow managed to fall to the ground with Mom's leg resting on my lap.
After what felt like years, Aunt Julie returned and jumped out of her car. She told us that Aunt Terri was also hurt. In her drunken state, she had tripped over a pipe and fallen face first onto the driveway, busting her beer bottle in her hands on the way down.
This meant we needed to return as quickly as possible as both Mom and Aunt Terri needed medical assistance. When we pulled into the driveway, Aunt Terri, Aunt Julie, Grace and I each had to grab one of Mom's limbs in order to carry her into the house. We threw her on the couch, and at this point chaos ensued. Shots of vodka, copious amounts of Neosporin, loads of Diet-Coke, and slippers were present between the time of our arrival and our 2am departure to the hospital.
In the end, Mom broke her ankle in three places and will be in a cast for 4-6 weeks. After the first week of coming home at the end of the day and listening to Mom recount her lonely days in the house, I decided these stories were too priceless to not be preserved (and shared) forever. Enjoy!
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